General Information
Staff: In Year 1 this year we have Mrs Higton and Mrs Thomas. One of us will be on the door every morning from 8:45 and every afternoon, so please speak to us if you have any concerns or questions! One afternoon a week, Mr Haran will be taking the children for PE.
Uniform: Please ensure every item of your child’s uniform is clearly labelled with their names. School uniform is expensive to buy, and it becomes very difficult to reunite lost jumpers with their owners if they do not have a name on them!
Toys from home: We do not allow the children to bring in any of their own toys, pencil cases, colouring books or stationary. Everything they need will be provided by School. Please support us with this by ensuring the only things your child brings to school are their coat/lunchbox. We do allow the children to bring in story books they might want to share with friends during early morning reading time.
Snack: Snack money is £1.25 a week. This can be paid weekly, or in a larger termly amount if you would prefer. The children are provided with a choice of fruit and milk or water. It is very important that any money sent into school comes in an envelope labelled with your child’s name. It is very easy for money to become lost or mislabelled when it is handed to staff loose.
PE Kits: Mr Haran will be taking the children for PE once a week. They will require shorts, t-shirt and pumps in a PE bag. Please make sure all of the items are labelled with their name. These can stay in School all term and we will send them home to be washed in the holidays.
Make It Area: We are always grateful for “Junk” items you may have at home which the children can use to make models with. This could be clean plastic fruit trays, cardboard boxes, cardboard tubes etc from out of your recycling box!