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Ysgol Penycae Community Primary School

Respect and be respected. Value and be valued. Aim high

Blwyddyn 5

Welcome back to our final term in Year 5! We have a action-packed term with lots of learning opportunities and visits to look forward to! This term our topic is 'Thrills and Spills'. 


This term we are looking at focusing on the 4 of the 6 areas of learning: Languages, Literacy and Communication, Mathematics and Numeracy, Science and Technology and Humanities.


We will be focussing on locating and plotting the world's best roller coasters on a map, investigating potential and kinetic energy by creating our own roller coasters and learning new skills to be able to use spreadsheets effectively to plan a day out with a budget to a theme park!


Our Literacy work will develop a range of skills to include persuasive letter writing. 
